A Brief History of Time Book Review

‘A Brief History of Time’ Book Review

A bestseller in theoretical cosmology, Stephen Hawking’s book was first published in 1988 and has grown in popularity with each new edition.

My Thoughts

Hawking’s vast knowledge of the universe has always been fascinating to me, and it deeply captivated me when I first read this book several years ago. As a beginner in astronomy, I had much to learn, but that didn’t discourage me. Instead, it only encouraged me to delve deeper into the subject.

Many years later, this book fell into my hands again. And well, who am I to deny Stephen Hawking my full attention?

With each passing year, my appreciation for this book has only grown. Stephen Hawking was a remarkable theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author, known for his contributions to physics and his ability to explain complex concepts in a way anyone could understand. Until his death, he made significant contributions to physics despite his physical limitations, and his legacy continues to inspire millions.

Reading this non-fiction book provides a wealth of information for anyone interested in the subject. Hawking delves into quantum mechanics, black holes, and the Big Bang, as well as Newton’s laws and Einstein’s theory of relativity. Writing detailed explanations that anyone can understand, no matter their scientific background.

In short, I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to acquire a rough knowledge of various theories and methods of astrophysics. It is a fascinating read that is sure to inspire and inform.

My rating for ‘A Brief History of Time’

4 stars rating

I really enjoyed reading this book. Although it didn’t give me the same excitement as a 5-star book, I can totally recommend it.

About the author

Stephen Hawking was a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author from England. Hawking is known for his theory of exploding black holes, which is based on both relativity theory and quantum mechanics.

He also worked with space-time singularities. He passed away on March 14th, 2018 in Cambridge, England.

Stephen Hawking, author

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